Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What's Up?

I've been blog neglectful again! But I'm busy!! Waa!! Yes that's a little whine. I really need to blog about my business!! So here's the most recent goings on in no particular order..........

Just One - the non-profit focusing on putting an end to human trafficking, poverty and orphans locally and globally. Big event coming up on March 25 in Costa Mesa - Freedom Day.... I really need to devote a whole post to that

EBB Creations - what a rockin' store this is going to be! It's a great brick and mortar scrapbooking store opening up in Simi Valley reallllll soon. I'm getting to help out a bit and get to be on the store DT, which is very cool and exciting. Their website is ebbcreations.com .....

Teaching - um yeah, my 3rd graders are keeping me on my toes!

Little League - the season is here. Practices have started, opening day is this weekend. Just found out that Kade is pitching in the opener. I get so nervous when I see my baby up on that mound!

The Community formerly known as the Bridge now known as SymbolPeople or SymbolLiving - yeah, can't even explain this one .... if you're in it you know ...when I get my head more wrapped around it I'll blog

And of course my most important duties Mommy and Wife!

So what are you doing??


Anonymous said...

Isn't this a busy time of year? Your list sounds like a lot of fun stuff, though! I like when you blog.

Julie said...

I am so happy you are blogging again. Have a great game Kade!

Amanda said...

being a "neglectful" blogger myself I can relate. I just can't seem to get the words in order. You encourage me however and will attempt again .....tomorrow.

Love you,