Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My Baby is Growing Up!

Seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital having her!

And today we registered her for Kindergarten!! She is sooo ready to go. Following her big brother around has prepared her for many things. (heehee)

We still have one big hurdle - the shots. She's always been a trooper when it comes to pain but I remember Kade's pre-Kindergarten appointment - brutal! So we've got 2 weeks to get ready for that. Ouch!


Anonymous said...

signing the youngest child up for Kinder must me a milestone of some sort... boy oh boy will she knock their socks off!

Good luck with the shots. Remember to ask for the child size needle. No joke, they didn't use it for Rachel. DRAMA!!!

Carolyn F said...

WooHOO kindergarten. Time definitely flies!

Julie said...

Wow, it's that time already? You know she's going to be the talk of the school right? It's cute to think of her seeing big brother on campus on her way to library. I use to love seeing my brother at school.

I miss you guys so much!

Anita said...

It seems like you blink and they've aged a year right in front of you. Why did our childhoods seem so slow in comparison to our childrens'?! No fair!